Adaptive Rehabilitation of the E.B Eddy Complex

Outflow: A Reflective Horizon Where Streamlines Converge

“Only upon reflecting on the ripples of the past, can the water become still enough to speak, for what is lost in evolution always seems to flow back in time”. Water has figuratively and metaphorically sculpted the cultural importance of the E.B Eddy site over time. It is the force that encompasses and binds us to the landscape and to each other. 

This project consists of the adaptive reuse of the Former E.B. Eddy Industrial Complex into the Outaouais Regional Museum. The complex is located at 3 Alexandre-Tache Boulevard in Gatineau. The essential data was gathered at the start of the project by the whole studio through rigorous site research, which included learning about the history, the surrounding context, and the current condition of the property. Through this research and understanding of the site the concept of ‘Outflow’ emerged.  


Direct Study Abroad Rome 2023